Guidelines for a Smooth Birdwatching Tour Experience

Welcome to your Piculet Birding group tour! We're thrilled to have you with us and are confident that you'll have an incredible time discovering Colombia's diverse birdlife. To ensure everyone has a fantastic experience, we've outlined a few guidelines. These simple rules help maintain harmony within the group and maximize your enjoyment of the tour:

  1. Rotating Seats: To ensure fairness, we kindly ask participants to rotate seats in the vehicle daily. If you're at the front today, you'll move to the back tomorrow, and then forward again. This rotation usually happens naturally, but if there are any issues, your tour leader will assist after the first couple of days.

  2. Switching Spots on Trails: On narrow forest trails or at feeders, we recommend changing your position every 10 minutes. If you're walking at the front, please step back after 10 minutes to give others a chance to be near the tour leader. Our guides may sometimes position themselves at the back to assist birders who aren't near the front.

  3. Addressing Concerns: If you encounter any issues or have concerns, please don't hesitate to speak with the tour leader. It's our job to resolve problems, but we need to hear from you promptly. The sooner we know, the easier it is to find a solution.

  4. Quiet Birding: Silence is golden when birding. If you need to speak, please whisper and only to the person next to you. During bird call playback, absolute silence is essential to increase your chances of spotting the bird. Conversations on the trails, particularly in forests, should be kept to a minimum, with discreet whispering being acceptable.

  5. Sharing Information: On forest trails, only those at the front may hear what the guide is saying. Please help by whispering updates from the front to the back so everyone stays informed. It's important to ensure that no one misses out on what the guide has discovered.

  6. Communication is Key: If you missed seeing a bird, please let the tour leader know right away. It's crucial that we get everyone a chance to spot the bird. Additionally, if the guide overlooks a species that most of the group has already seen, feel free to ask to see it again.

  7. Using the Scope: When using a scope, please take a quick look and then allow others to have their turn. Once everyone has had a glimpse, you can go back for a more detailed view if you wish.

  8. Awareness of Others: Be mindful of your positioning relative to others. Taller participants should allow shorter ones to stand in front or at least ensure they aren’t blocking anyone’s view.

  9. Neutral Colors and Quiet Clothing: Wearing neutral colors and avoiding noisy fabrics can enhance your birdwatching experience by blending in with the environment and reducing disturbances.

  10. Pointing Etiquette: While opinions vary, pointing at birds may sometimes cause them to fly away. Your guide will advise on when pointing is appropriate. Remember to control your excitement and avoid shouting when you spot a bird.

  11. Optional Activities: Throughout the tour, there will be optional activities. You are welcome to opt out if you're feeling unwell, tired, or find the activity too challenging. These options will often be highlighted in your itinerary, but it's good to speak with us in advance if you plan to sit out.

  12. Group Decisions: Keep in mind that the tour guide makes decisions that benefit the majority. While this may not always suit individual preferences, it's important to prioritize the group's needs.

  13. Shopping Stops: At certain stops, there may be opportunities to purchase local curios. Please keep shopping brief unless otherwise indicated by your guide, so we can stay on schedule.

  14. Safety First: Your safety is our top priority. If stopping along a freeway or other locations is deemed unsafe by the guide, we may have to skip some birdwatching opportunities to ensure everyone's well-being.

  15. Careful Use of Playback: We use playback sparingly, and only when necessary. If we decide to use it, please gather around quietly to see the bird. Our priority is always the bird's welfare.

  16. Group Dynamics: Traveling in a group can sometimes be challenging due to different personalities. We encourage you to maintain a positive attitude, be empathetic, and compromise when necessary to ensure everyone enjoys the trip.

  17. Show Your Enthusiasm: Your excitement for birdwatching keeps our guides motivated! Just remember to express it quietly so you don’t scare away the birds.

  18. Pre-Tour Questions: We highly recommend asking as many questions as possible before the tour to avoid any surprises. We want you to be pleasantly surprised, not the other way around.

  19. New to Birding Tours?: If this is your first birding tour, we strongly encourage you to speak with us in detail beforehand to understand what to expect and how to prepare.

We hope these guidelines help create a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone. We're here to ensure you have an unforgettable birding adventure in Colombia!