Birding tours Colombia_Bird Photographic tours Colombia_Birdwatching Tours Colombia1



Length: 12 Nights/ 13 days
Starting city: Cali  Ending city: Cali
Pace: Relaxed-Feeders most of the time
Focus: Bird Photography       Physical Difficulty: Easy                                    Addressed to: Photographers who love quality photos, and who want to spend the days at feeders.


This tour offers exceptional photographic opportunities in our mega-diverse country. Designed for bird photographers with DSLR or Mirrorless cameras and telephoto lenses, 300, 400, 500, 600 millimeters. It's ideal for those experienced in bird photography.

  Our goal isn't to create a long checklist, but to capture stunning photos. We go all out with interesting perches, and we're constantly switching things up to keep your shots fresh and diverse. Attention to detail is our game – from strategically placing food to ensuring clean backgrounds.



Day 1 CALI: Airport pick up and transfer to Hotel in Cali

Upon arrival at Cali's Alfonso Bonilla Aragón Airport, we will transfer you to the Hampton by Hilton Hotel. Cali, the vibrant capital of Valle del Cauca, is Colombia's third most populous city. Relax and prepare for the adventure ahead at this welcoming hotel.

Your Colombian bird Photography adventure begins as you land at Cali's Alfonso Bonilla Aragón Airport. We'll ensure a seamless transfer to the welcoming Hampton by Hilton Hotel, in the vibrant capital of Valle del Cauca. As the third most populous city in Colombia, Cali serves as the ideal launching point for your ornithological journey. Allow yourself to prepare for the thrilling days of bird photography ahead.

Chestnut Woodquail (Finca La Florida)

Day 2 Finca La Florida (18 km)

We'll venture into the mystical cloud forests of Km 18, nestled in the western Andes and a mere 50-minute jaunt from Cali. Our photographic quest leads us to the feeders at  Finca la Florida, a haven for birders and shutterbugs alike. Here, you'll have the chance to immortalize some of Colombia's most prized avian residents through your lens. The star of the show? The endemic Multicolored Tanager, a living rainbow that calls these forests home. Also keep your eyes peeled for other local specialties like the Colombian Chachalaca and the elusive Chestnut Woodquail, both found nowhere else on Earth.

But the colorful cast doesn't end there. As we quietly wait at the feeders, be prepared for a parade of feathered models. From the gorgeos Acorn Woodpecker to the dazzling Saffron crowned Tanager, each species offers unique photographic challenges and rewards. Whether you're capturing the intense gaze of a Red Headed Barbet, Brown Violetear, Greenish Puffleg or the graceful flight of a Green Hermit, this day promises to be a highlight for any bird photography enthusiast. 

Multicolored Tanager ( Finca La Florida)

Day 3 Upper Anchicayá / El Descanso

Our photographic journey takes us to the upper reaches of the Old Buenaventura road, where the western Andes meet the Pacific in a tapestry of cloud forest splendor. At 1600 meters above sea level, El Descanso serves as our gateway to a world of avian wonders. This carefully curated site, complete with strategically placed hummingbird and fruit feeders, sets the stage for an unforgettable day of bird photography.

As you set up your gear, be ready for a spectacle of color and movement. The iconic Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, with its vibrant plumage, might steal the show, but don't overlook the equally impressive Toucan Barbet. Hummingbirds will dazzle you with their aerial acrobatics – from the diminutive Green Thorntail to the elegant White-whiskered Hermit. Keep your camera trained on the feeders for a chance to immortalize the striking Velvet-purple Coronet or the aptly named Silver-throated Tanager. With patience and a keen eye, you might even snap the elusive Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager or the charismatic Rufous-throated Tanager at the crowded feeders from El Descanso.

Toucan Barbet (El Descanso) 


Day 4 San Felipe Birding and Finca Bosque de Niebla 

Begin your day at the San Felipe birding hides, perched at an impressive 2,000 meters above sea level in the heart of Km 18. This elevated sanctuary offers a unique vantage point for capturing Colombia's avian treasures. As the morning mist dissipates, ready your camera for the vibrant Blue necked Tanager, the rare Ruddy Quail-Dove, Collared Trogon, while the Booted Racket-tail hummingbird could test your photography skills with its rapid movements.

Next, we'll transition to the enchanting Bosque de Niebla, where strategically placed feeders attract a cornucopia of feathered jewels. Here, your lens might capture the Blue-napped Chlorophonia, Golden napped Tanager,  or the striking Green Jay and the Black-throated Mango. Keep an eye out for the Southern Emerald Toucanet, its emerald plumage a perfect complement to the lush surroundings. As the day progresses, you'll have opportunities to photograph the fiery Flame-rumped Tanager and the golden glow of the Golden-rumped Euphonia. Each moment in San Antonio's cloud forest promises to fill your portfolio with stunning images of these aerial gems.

Green Jay (Bosque de Niebla)

Day 5 Sonso Lagoon / Parque de la Uva / Tansfer Manizales

Rise with the sun for an exhilarating morning at Sonso Lagoon, a captivating wetland near Buga that seamlessly blends tropical dry forest with aquatic habitats. This diverse ecosystem is a photographer's dream, offering opportunities to capture a wide array of avian species. Train your lens on the endemic Apical Flycatcher, a true Colombian specialty, or the regal Amazon Kingfisher as it surveys its watery domain. The lagoon's shores may reveal the statuesque Cocoi Heron, Buff necked Ibis, Snail Kite, Spectacled parrotlet, Wattled Jacana , Vermilion Flycatcher or the gregarious Fulvous Whistling Duck, while overhead, the graceful Snail Kite might soar into view.

After a satisfying lunch, we'll shift gears and visit the unique Parque de la Uva's Aloe plantation. Here, amid the sculptural aloe plants, you'll have the chance to photograph some of nature's most dazzling jewels. The Ruby-Topaz Hummingbird, with its fiery plumage, and the more subdued but equally charming Rufous-tailed Hummingbird are frequent visitors to this unconventional habitat. As the afternoon light softens, we'll bid farewell to this botanical wonderland and embark on our journey to Mistrató, where new avian adventures await.

Ruby-Topaz Hummingbird (Parque de la Uva)

Day 6 Sutú Reserve

Welcome to Sutú Reserve, where mist-shrouded forests create a backdrop for some of Colombia's most captivating avian species. As we explore the carefully placed feeders, prepare for an explosion of color and activity that will challenge your reflexes and delight your senses. The endemic Black-and-Gold Tanager, a true gem of these misty realms, may grace your viewfinder with its striking plumage. Keep your camera at the ready for the dazzling array of hummingbirds that call this reserve home – from the Iconic Violet-tailed Sylph to the aptly named Purple-bibbed Whitetip, each species offers a unique opportunity to capture nature's living jewels in flight.

But the wonders of Sutú extend beyond the feeders. As we venture deeper into the lush undergrowth, we'll seek out some of the cloud forest's more elusive residents. Listen for the distinctive call of the Orange-breasted Fruiteater, a vibrant splash of color against the emerald canopy. And if luck is on our side, we might witness the extraordinary courtship display of the Club-winged Manakin, a spectacle that will test both your photographic skills and your sense of wonder. In this biodiverse sanctuary, every moment holds the potential for an award-winning shot, so keep your lenses clean and your enthusiasm high!

Club winged Manakin (Reserva Sutú)

Day 7 Birdshome / transfer to Manizales

We will visit BirdsHome, with its amazing balcony for photographing hummingbirds and tanagers.  BirdsHome has a wide variety of Radiant bird species, including some endemics and rarities, such as endemic Black and Gold Tanager, Flame-faced Tanager, Silver-throated Tanager, Flame-rumped Tanager, Hepatic Tanager, near endemic Brown Inca, Empress Brilliant, Purple-Throated Woodstar, Tawny-bellied Hermit. After lunch, transfer to Manizales, staying at the nice and comfortable Hotel Recinto del Pensamiento.

Empress Brilliant (Bird's Home)

Day 8 Río Blanco

The real magic of Río Blanco unfolds at the legendary Antpitta feeding stations. These carefully managed areas provide a rare chance to photograph some of the most secretive denizens of the forest floor. Imagine capturing the intense gaze of the Chestnut-crowned Antpitta or documenting the unique behaviors of the endemic Brown-banded Antpitta in its native habitat. As you quietly observe, the Slate-crowned Antpitta might make an appearance, offering a perfect subject for your telephoto lens. Don't forget to look up occasionally – the canopy holds its own treasures, like the striking Green-and-Black Fruiteater or the petite Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher. Every step through this biodiverse wonderland presents an opportunity to create stunning images that showcase the incredible avian diversity of the Colombian Andes.

This world-renowned birding hotspot offers unparalleled opportunities to capture the essence of Colombia's avifauna through your lens. As you approach the guest house, you'll be greeted by a whirlwind of activity around the feeders and flowering plants. Get ready to test your high-speed photography skills as you attempt to freeze the lightning-fast wings of the White-bellied Woodstar, Buff tailed Coronet, Lesser Violetear, Speckled Hummingbird, Bronzy Inca, Collared Inca, or the iridescent plumage White bellied Woodstar.

Chestnut-crowned Antpitta (Rio Blanco) 

Day 9 Glamping Color de mis Reves

Ascend to the breathtaking heights near Nevados National Park, where the rarefied air buzzes with the energy of Andean birdlife. As you set up your tripod, watch for the majestic Grey breasted Mountain Toucan arriving to the feeders, or the iridescent flash of a Tyrian Metaltail as it hovers nearby. The Collared Inca, with its striking black-and-white plumage, offers a study in contrast against the verdant foliage.

As you traverse this high-altitude wonderland, every turn of the trail presents new subjects for your lens. The Blue-capped Tanager and its cousin, the Blue-and-black Tanager, provide a masterclass in cerulean hues. Listen for the distinctive call of the Slatty Brushfinch, a challenge to photograph in the dense undergrowth. The gregarious Black-collared Jay might pose obligingly, its bold markings a delight for portrait enthusiasts. For those seeking a true test of their wildlife photography skills, the Andean Emerald's swift movements and the Bicolored Antpitta's shy nature offer rewarding challenges. In this high-altitude gallery, every frame captures the unique beauty and diversity of Colombia's Andean avifauna.

 Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan (Glamping Color de mis Reves)

Day 10 Hacienda el Bosque

Rise with the dawn for an exhilarating expedition to Hacienda el Bosque, a photographer's paradise nestled near the majestic Los Nevados National Park. As the morning mist lifts, prepare your camera for the real prize, capturing the elusive Crescent-faced Antpitta, a bird that seems to have been painted by nature's most whimsical artist. Keep your telephoto lens ready for fleeting glimpses of the Barred Fruiteater, the Rufous Antpitta and the animated Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant.

As the day unfolds, Hacienda el Bosque reveals its true wealth of avian diversity. Hummingbirds become living jewels in your viewfinder – from the aptly named Shining Sunbeam to the almost mythical Sword-billed Hummingbird, each species offers a unique challenge to your photographic skills. The  Buff-winged Starfrontlet may compete for your attention, while the diminutive White-bellied Woodstar tests your ability to freeze motion. Don't overlook the understated beauty of the Streaked Tuftedcheek or the bold patterns of the Glossy and Black Flowerpiercers. With each click of your shutter, you're not just taking photos; you're preserving moments of high Andean magic that will captivate viewers for years to come.

Crescent-faced Antpitta ( Hacienda el Bosque)

Day  11 Nevados National Park

At elevations between 3,500 and 4,000 meters, you'll find yourself immersed in a surreal landscape of elfin forests and paramo, dominated by the iconic frailejón plants. This otherworldly setting provides a stunning backdrop for your avian subjects, offering a chance to create truly unique images that capture the essence of Colombia's high-altitude ecosystems.

As you navigate this lofty realm, keep your camera at the ready for encounters with some of the park's most captivating residents. The rare endemic Buffy Helmetcrest, a living gem of the paramo, may grace your viewfinder with its distinctive profile. Train your lens on the Stout-billed Cinclodes as it forages among the rocks, or capture the Golden-crowned Tanager's vibrant plumage against the muted tones of the landscape. The Plumbeous Sierra Finch and various seedeaters offer studies in subtle beauty, while the Andean Tit-Spinetail and White-chinned Thistletail challenge your skills with their quick movements. Each frame you capture in this high-altitude wonderland will be a testament to the unique biodiversity of Colombia's paramo habitats. 

Buffy Heltmetcrest (Nevados National Park)

Day  12 Termales del Ruiz 

Welcome to the avian wonderland of Hotel Termales del Ruiz, where the mystical Elfin Forest provides a backdrop straight out of a fairy tale for your photographic expedition. As you approach the hotel's feeders, prepare for a whirlwind of activity that will keep your shutter clicking from dawn to dusk. The elusive Tawny Antpitta may grace you with its presence, offering a rare chance to document this ground-dwelling beauty. Meanwhile, the air above seems alive with jewel-toned hummingbirds – from the delicate Purple-backed Thornbill to the impressive Great Sapphirewing, each species presents a unique challenge to freeze in flight.

The feeders at Hotel Termales del Ruiz don't just attract hummingbirds; they're a melting pot for a diverse array of mountain specialists. Capture the striking contrast of the Blue-backed Conebill's plumage, or focus on the subtle elegance of the Plain-colored Seedeater. The star of the show might just be the Sword-billed Hummingbird, its elongated bill a testament to the wonders of evolution. As you fine-tune your camera settings to capture the iridescent glow of a Sparkling Violetear, or amazing species like Tawny Antpitta, Rainbow bearded Thornbill, Scarlet bellied Mountain tanager, Golden-breasted Puffleg, Great Sapphirewing, the spectacular Sword billed Hummingbird, or the Great Sapphirewing. Take a moment to soak in the serene beauty of your surroundings. The Elfin Forest, with its gnarled trees and hanging mosses, provides an ethereal setting for every frame. As the afternoon wanes, we'll reluctantly pack up our gear, our memory cards full of high-altitude treasures, and set our sights on Buga, for the final chapter of our Colombian birding adventure.

Shining Sunbeam (Hotel Termales del Ruiz)

Day  13 Ecohotel El Diamante / Departure  

As the sun rises on your final morning, we'll venture to the picturesque foothills of the central Andes near Buga, where Ecohotel El Diamante awaits with its treasure trove of avian subjects. This last photographic foray promises a diverse array of species, each offering a unique opportunity to round out your Colombian bird portfolio. Train your lens on the charismatic Crested Bobwhite as it emerges from the underbrush, or capture the elegant pose of a Striated Heron along the water's edge. The Buff-necked Ibis and Black-bellied Whistling Duck provide excellent subjects for those seeking to perfect their waterfowl photography skills. 

The air around El Diamante buzzes with the energy of hummingbirds, from the aptly named Steely-vented Hummingbird to the striking White-vented Plumeleteer. Challenge yourself to freeze the rapid wing beats of the Stripe-throated and Rufous-bellied Hermits as they dart between flowers. As the morning progresses, focus on the colorful cast of tanagers – the iridescent Blue-necked, the vibrant Bay-headed, and the distinctive Guira Tanager all vie for your attention. Before you know it, it'll be time to reluctantly lower your camera, savor a final Colombian lunch, and begin the journey to Cali's Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport. As you bid farewell to this birding paradise, your memory cards will be full, but your heart will be even fuller with the extraordinary avian encounters of the past days.

 Crested Bobwhite (Ecohotel el Diamante)

Bear in Mind

Start Times: Our days will typically begin early, with start times generally between 5:00 and 5:30 am, though some mornings we may begin as early as 4:30 am.

Meals: Field breakfasts will be arranged on certain days, while other meals will be enjoyed at lodges, hotels, or nearby restaurants. Each meal includes a main dish and a drink (water, soda, juice, or beer). Please note that appetizers, desserts, extra beverages, beer, and wine (by the glass or bottle) are not included.

Land Transportation:Travel between birding locations is relatively short, ranging from 2 to 2.5 hours, with the longest drive on day 3 being around 4.5 hours. Our primary mode of transportation will be a comfortable, air-conditioned van, except when road conditions require the use of 4x4 vehicles, such as on Glamping Color de mis Revés.

Walking and Terrain: The walks during this tour will generally be mild, even in mountainous areas. Most of our days will be spent at places with feeders. On day 3 at El Descanso, we will undertake a challenging walk, navigating a muddy and steep path to reach the Cock-of-the-Rock lek. It’s recommended to proceed slowly, and this part of the tour is not suitable for those with mobility issues. Good-grip footwear is essential. 

Climate: The weather will vary, with warm temperatures in the lowland areas such as , Parque de la Uva, Ecohotel El Diamante, and Sonso. In the highlands, the climate will be cooler and more pleasant (El Descanso, Reserva Sutú, Birdshome, La Florida and San Felipe. It will be cold in places like Hacienda el Bosque, and Glamping Color de mis Reves.The coldest temperature we’ll encounter is usually around 7°C during the early morning at Nevados National Park and Hotel Termales del Ruiz. It’s advisable to wear a couple of layers  for the first hour or two until it warms up.

The tour is scheduled during the dry season, but rain is still possible, especially in the mountains, though it’s generally light. Bring your Rain gear all the time.

Accommodations: We will use 4 star hotels when possible and Birding Lodges. All hotels and accommodations provide private bathrooms and electricity. At higher elevations, hot water is available at all locations. Wi-Fi is typically available in all hotels, though it may be limited to public areas and can sometimes be slow. 

Guidelines for a Smooth Bird Photography Tour Experience ⬅️

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