About Piculet Birding

Cali Tours / Birding Colombia was the name our company used until June 2018, when we decided to grow and become PICULET BIRDING. We are a mature Birding Tours Company, based in Cali Colombia, with more than 12,000 hours of experience in the field.

Why the name PICULET? Colombia is the country that has the most species of piculets in the world, one of them endemic, the Grayish Piculet (Picumnus Granadensis). We love and always feel amazed by these tiny birds from the Woodpecker family. We are looking forward to showing them to you!

More than 1,000 satisfied customers, from over 600 Daytrips, and more than100 successful Tours (Private and Scheduled) in the past ten years has built our sterling reputation in Colombia.